Technology Contract

Grant Road School – Technology Contract
All students must sign a Technology Contract in order to use electronic devices such as
smartphones, iPods, iPads, and computers. This contract demonstrates that you understand the
rules and regulations for using technology and agree to follow them.

These electronic devices allow for wonderful learning and communication opportunities in school.
They also allow for negative behaviour and consequences when used improperly. The goal of this
technology contract is to teach students how to properly use electronic devices as well as giving
them the opportunity to balance their time between using technologies and engaging without it.

● All activities using an electronic device need specific teacher permission and supervision.
Devices will only be used inside the classroom, unless directly supervised by a teacher.
● All personal electronic devices are brought to school at your own risk. Accidents happen
and devices may get broken, lost, or stolen. It is your responsibility to take care of your
device. The school and teachers take no responsibility over the safety of personal
electronic devices.
● Personal electronic devices should be stored out of sight in the classroom unless you have
permission to use them. Zipped in your backpack in your locker is a great place to keep it.
● Personal electronic devices must be left in the classroom at all time when students are in
the hallway, the washroom, on the playground, or in other classes. Classroom doors will
be locked at all times when the class and/or teacher are not in the room.
● Devices will not be used the hallway unless directly supervised by a teacher. Devices will
not be taken into the washroom under any circumstances. Devices will not be used at all
during the lunch hour unless your teacher has given you specific permission and it is for
academic purposes.
● School computers and iPads will be used appropriately and with respect, and may be used
in the hallway with teacher permission and supervision.

A first offence will result in the confiscation of your device for the remainder of the day.
A second offence will result in a one week suspension of the use of personal devices (parents
will be notified). You must not be seen using any technology except as directed by your teacher.
You must not bring devices to school during this time.
A third offence will result in a long term suspension from the use of personal devices (parents
will be notified). The length of the suspension is at the teacher and principal’s discretion.

As soon as you arrive at school, you must put your personal device (smartphone, iPod, iPad, etc.)
away in your backpack. It only comes out if you have direct permission and supervision from your
teacher. You will not be allowed to use your device anywhere except for your own classroom
without special permission. All phone calls and texts to parents must be done in your classroom
or in front of the office with specific permission from your teacher, and only when necessary.
When leaving the school at lunch or at the end of the day, you must wait until you have left the
school and are on your way off school property to use your device. These rules will be strictly enforced.

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